June 1st, 2020 • Minute Read

Call Her Your Queen

Call her your queen.

The first 100 times, you’ll say “this is stupid”.

That’s your resistance.

Drop it.

Call her your queen.

The next 100 times, you’ll say “she doesn’t deserve it”.

That’s your pent-up hurt and past resentment.

Own it.

Still, call her your queen.

The 100 times after that, you’ll say “Fine. I will. But only once she starts acting that way” .

That’s your petty, conditional love talking.

Rise above it.

Call her your queen.

The 100 times after that, you’ll say “not until she acknowledges me first”.

That’s your ego in king’s clothing talking.

Expose it.

Call her your queen.

The next 100 times will be limp, fearful and half-hearted.

That’s your perceived powerlessness talking.

Reclaim it.

Call her your queen.

And keep calling her your queen until you mean it with every ounce of your being.

For on that day, you’ll find…

A king in the mirror.

A woman transformed.

And a relationship re-born.

About The Author

Hendrix Black

Hendrix Black is a men's empowerment coach & the co-founder of Quantum King Media; a personal growth platform with a mission to help 10,000,000 men live richer, more vital and fully expressed lives. He writes frequently on the topics of fatherhood, relationships, entrepreneurship and purpose-driven wealth creation.